First of all, who would have thought that giving strangers rides in your own car would be a popular and lucrative job? More than anything, this is a sign of how we continue to make technology a part of our daily lives. Nonetheless, the transportation network company Uber is by far the leader in this interesting line of work.
Since its establishment in 2009, the company has gone on to create various lanes within their company such as Uber XL, Uber ride shares, and Uber Eats. Collectively, these lanes add up to nearly 115 million users on a global scale. This includes over 750 metropolitan areas worldwide with plans to grown into more areas in the near future.
Having said all of that, the one common ground that every Uber driver has to deal with is insurance. Being that Uber mainly uses motor vehicles as the main choice of their transportation business, insurance is a step that simply can't be overlooked. In fact, it is one of the main requirements of anyone who wants to drive for the company.
As we can imagine, it can get tricky when deciding what the best insurance for Uber is. Also, since Uber is a popular job that tends to pay well, some people tend to ignore getting the right insurance based on the fact that they are willing to pay for it through working for Uber.
Especially in a crowded province such as Ontario, making sure to get the right Uber car insurance in Ontario can mean a world of difference. In extreme cases, it can mean the difference between paying or saving thousands of dollars. With all of that said, here are the top 10 tips on how to find the best insurance for Uber in a province like Ontario.
10. Get Quotes On Different Insurances For Uber
One of the most used strategies that people use to get cheaper insurance is calling for different quotes. More specifically, it requires calling two different insurance companies and see which one gives you the cheapest insurance. Now, it can end there but there is one more step that would work even better.
Once you have two different quotes, it would be to your benefit to try to negotiate a cheaper price with the two prices you were given. It is an old strategy but it still works as good as ever. That being said, finding a trusted and reputable insurance company can prevent you from having to do this in the first place.
9. Research What Car Has The Cheapest Insurance
One of the first things you will notice when looking for insurance for Uber is that different cars have different insurance policies and prices. While most insurance agencies take into account things like age, driving history and other similar factors, they tend to give newer vehicles a cheaper rate.
The reason for this is because they usually come with higher safety ratings and reviews. Nonetheless, this doesn't mean you have to go out and look to buy a new car for Uber. If your current car passes all the requirements that Uber has to drive for them, you should be fine. Still, it is always a good idea to research what cars have the cheapest insurance
8.Check To See If Uber Works With Different Credits
When it comes to finding the best Uber car insurance in Ontario, one of the best tips to use is to check if Uber works with different credit lines. A great sign of a flexible company is a company that is willing to work in different situations. Also, since credit is one of the biggest factors when looking for cheaper insurance, it would be a great idea to see if Uber can work with your credit situation.
To be clear, the company is willing to go as far as they can. In other words, they can't accommodate all situations. However, if you find that Uber can't work with you to get you cheaper insurance based on your credit, at least you know what you need to work on to get it.
7. Look Into Uber Insurance Policy Discounts
Without a doubt, looking for insurance discounts is one of the sure-fire ways for you to get cheaper Uber car insurance in Ontario. Simply put, every insurance company has them. It usually comes down to your ability to look long and hard enough to find the right discounts for you.
In fact, insurance companies have discounts for just about everything. From accident-free discounts, paperless discounts, and everything else in between, make sure to combine the discounts you can receive at the end. This way you know exactly how much you are saving when you drive for Uber. One more thing, don't forget to keep checking in on what discounts you are eligible to receive the longer you drive for Uber.
6. Check Uber's Annual Insurance Rate History
Insurance companies change things up all the time. Whether it is to help themselves or you, any responsible person with insurance should constantly check in with their carrier for any changes. This includes checking the annual insurance rate history for a company like Uber.
In just one year, it's amazing how much could change for the better or for worse for anyone. As far as Uber is concerned, checking their annual history can result in you saving some money that you otherwise would have spent unknowingly. In addition, make sure to check the prices of other insurance companies annually to see if there is a cheaper price available for you.
5. Raise Your Insurance Deductibles
Deductibles are arguably the most important factor when it comes to finding the best Uber car insurance in Ontario. Statistics show that consumers can save nearly 10 percent on average of their yearly insurance spending by simply raising their deductibles.
In simpler terms, this simply means raising the amount you pay for covered insurance services before your main insurance plan takes effect. Especially in the case of complex or crash coverage insurances, it may end up being the simplest way to find the best insurance for your Uber driving experience. Although, be aware of the fact that there is no deductible on things such as liability insurance which, in that case, would be your fault.
4. Work With A Well-Trusted Insurance Company
Having gone over several different ways you can find the best Uber insurance for your situation, there is one way to avoid most hassles in this process. As alluded to before, all it requires is choosing to work with a well-trusted and respected insurance company such as My Insurance Broker.
The main difference between a company such as this and any other insurance company is that they work for the betterment of one's life, not just protection on the road. This allows for a level of comfort on the road that is unlike any ordinary company. Now, it does need some research but, once you find a company like this, it will pay off in the end.
3. Look Into Per-Mile Insurance Options
Getting more specific with some of the ways to get the best insurance for Uber, another way you can do this is by looking into per-mile insurance options. Apart from other insurance options, per-mile insurance options allow you to benefit from being a safe driver.
Also, when you take into account that Uber rides are usually short easy rides to complete, the miles and benefits are sure to add up quickly. There are many programs that offer different benefits with this option so make sure to find the program that gives you the ones you want and deserve.
2. Bring Up Any History Of Safe Driving
Another great way to find the best insurance plan for you is to bring up any history you have of being a safe driver. Doing so will immediately bring down any rates or charges that you might have had otherwise.
In addition, it opens up opportunities for options that will reward you for continuing to be a safe driver. If you don't have any, make sure to record your history for Uber as soon as you start driving for them. Remember, the miles add up quickly.
1. Continue To Drive Safely
Overall, the absolute best way to get the best insurance for Uber is by continuing to drive safely. Although that can be a hard task considering that anything can happen, even instances that may not be your fault, making sure to follow the rules on the road will be to your benefit.
Worth noting, the longer you are able to keep up your safe driving the cheaper your benefits become. As we can see, it all comes down to you at the end of the day. If you want the best insurance options, earn them.